
Price list

Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

After-school Tutoring

We offer after-school tutoring services to help students improve their academic performance and reach their educational goals.
Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

Career Counseling

Our counselors provide guidance in assessing career objectives and goals to create individualized plans to reach educational success.
Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

GED Prep

Our GED Prep program offers personalized support to help ensure each student has the support and resources they need to succeed.
Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

College Advising

Our experienced advisors help students create a plan to reach their educational and career goals.
Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

Financial Literacy Training

Our financial literacy training service helps to provide individuals with the knowledge and resources to be informed and responsible with their finances.
Pathway to Potential (Pathway)

Computer Training

Our certified instructors guide users through industry-leading software with helpful tips and tricks.

Frequently asked questions